The name of this organization shall be the Clovis Democratic Club.
The Clovis Democratic Club (“the Club”) shall focus its efforts within the Clovis community, to advance the goals of the Democratic Party (“the Club”) through public policy and political issue analysis, education, fund-raising, recruitment, coordination with other Democratic groups, and other activities to benefit the Party.
The Club shall seek to publicize activities, and to build its membership from registered Democrats within the Clovis community. The Club shall develop a work plan, which shall be evaluated by the membership at least once every six months. This work plan shall include a report on the number of registered Democrats within the Clovis community, a report on Democratic voter turnout in Clovis, and a comparison of local Democratic statistics to other political affiliations.
A. The Club is officially chartered with the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee (“the FCDCC”) and was duly chartered by the FCDCC on May 21, 2002.
B. As a chartered and affiliated club of the FCDCC and the California Democratic Council (“the CDC”), the Club shall comply with the bylaws of the FCDCC, the CDC and the California Democratic Party, as they apply to fully chartered local affiliates.
A. Qualifications: Any individual qualifies for Club membership if:
- The individual is a registered Democrat; or
- The individual is ineligible to vote (due to minority, non-residency, or other legal impediment), but pledges to register as a Democrat when eligibility is attained; and
- The individual supports the purpose of the Club as stated in Article II, above.
B. Active Membership: A qualified individual shall be considered an active and good standing member if:
- The member has attended at least one meeting prior to being eligible to vote and
- The member has paid all club dues.
C. This organization does not require or use any test of membership or oath of loyalty which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, physical ability, sex, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation or economic status.
D. A member may be removed from the club roster for non-payment of dues by the date required in these Bylaws, or for publicly endorsing or financially supporting other than a Democrat in any election.
A. The amount to be paid as Club dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board and presented to the General Membership for approval.
B. Dues are due on January 1 and payable by January 31 of each calendar year, or such later date as is set by the Executive Board.
C. Annual dues for new Club members shall be prorated for remaining months of the year.
D. Membership is effective 30 days after receipt of dues!!
E. Payment of dues shall not be obligatory to anyone for whom it constitutes an economic hardship, and after due consideration with approval of the Executive Board.
A. Regular Meetings
- The Club shall hold regular monthly meetings on such day as the membership may determine from time to time.
- Regular meetings shall not be canceled more than 3 times within any calendar year and in no event shall more than 2 regular meetings be canceled in succession.
B. Special Meetings
- Special meetings may be called by the President at any time, on notice as specified below.
- In the absence of the President, any two officers may call a special meeting, on notice as specified below.
C. Notice of Meeting
- Notice of regular or special meetings shall be given at least one week in advance to all active members, in any manner as follows:
- a) Written by U.S. Postal Service;
- b) Electronic notice by e-mail;
- c) Telephone message;
- Notice of the meeting shall be deemed sufficient by any manner specified above if such notice includes the date, time and place of the meeting and is calculated to be received at least one week prior to the meeting.
A. The Club shall use the most recently revised Roberts Rules of Order to govern parliamentary procedure at all official meetings, except as specifically noted in these bylaws.
B. A quorum for any official meeting of the Club shall be 25 percent of the total organizational membership, or ten members, whichever is smaller, as of 24 hours before the meeting, as reported by the secretary
C, Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the Cub may adopt events and conduct regular business with a vote of 50 percent plus one of the members present at any meeting.
D. The Club may pass resolutions not related to endorsements with a vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at any meeting.
A. A process to consider the endorsement of candidates must be approved prior to any suggestion of endorsements. If the discussion of an endorsement process is noticed in the meeting agenda, such process must be approved by at least two-thirds of those present and voting at any meeting. If the discussion of an endorsement process is brought up from the floor as New Business, such process must be approved by at least three-fourths of those present and voting at any meeting.
B. Under no circumstances may the Club consider the endorsement of a candidate for public office who is not registered with the Democratic Party. The minimum threshold for endorsement in a race with multiple Democratic candidates is two-thirds of the members present and voting.
A. Club officers shall consist of: the President; the Vice-President, the Secretary; the Treasurer, and the Membership Chairman. The officers shall be elected in November to serve one-year terms of office starting with the December meeting.
B. If the President vacates office, the Vice-President shall ascent to the position of President until an election is held to fill the President’s remaining term of office.
C. In the temporary absence of the President the Vice-President shall serve as President. If the position of Vice-President is vacant, the Secretary or Treasurer shall serve as Vice-President.
D. The Secretary shall ensure that all members are notified of Club meetings and shall maintain all written records of the Club. Notification of meetings may be delegated to the Newsletter editor.
E. The Treasurer shall maintain all financial records of the Club, be responsible for the Club’s bank accounts, ensure that any required FPPC/FEC financial reports are submitted on time, and shall provide a monthly financial report at Club meetings.
F. The President shall officiate at all meetings of the Club.
G. The President may appoint members temporarily to fill vacate, un-expired terms of office, subject to election by the membership at the next Club meeting, to be held within thirty days after the date the office is vacated.
H. The membership chairman with the president shall be responsible for maintaining an updated committee roster and for outreach to club members to increase recruitment and retention of members.
I. The Club shall be represented at meetings of the Fresno County Democratic Central Club and any Assembly District Committee meetings at which it may be entitled to membership, and at meetings of the California Democratic Council. A person may serve as representative to more than one outside body if the club membership approves.
J. The Club is encouraged to appoint a publicity officer, who shall have the responsibility to develop and to implement a plan to increase the visibility of the Club among local Democrats.
K. The President may appoint Club members to serve in other capacities as needed.
L. The Club may elect such other officers as may be deemed necessary from time to time to conduct Club business.
M. The Executive Board shall be composed of the Club officers, the chairs of any standing . committees and the most recent past President. The Executive Board shall be responsible for implementing the Club’s goal and maintaining financial viability of the Club.
N. An elected officer can be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds vote of the Regular members at a General Meeting for such causes as missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or non-performance of duties, providing the membership and the officer have been notified at least one week in advance of the meeting of the proposed action against the officer.
A. Representatives to the CDP Pre-Endorsement Conference shall be elected at a regular monthly meeting held after July 1 of the year prior to the endorsing process and before the deadline set by the CDP. Notice of the representative election shall be included in the meeting notice to membership.
B. If the Club qualifies for two or more representatives, gender balance shall be maintained if possible.
C. Members who are already participating in Pre-Endorsement Conferences in another voting capacity shall not be eligible to represent the Club.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at a general membership meeting after the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership at a preceding meeting. One week’s notice must be provided of each meeting.
ADOPTED: August 20, 2015
Certified by Secretary: Bob Jones