Category: Election

Every Tuesday Vigil deliver apple pie, birthday card to Nunes Office but are locked out

.mcclatchy-embed{position:relative;padding:40px 0 56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%}.mcclatchy-embed iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}   ‘We pay for it, we should have access to it,’ but police close Nunes office during rally — Clovis Democratic Club (@clovisdems) August 15, 2018

Who’s Afraid of Nancy Pelosi? — Hint: Republicans

“But her achievements really have been remarkable. It’s a sad commentary on Republicans that they have nothing to run on except demonizing a politician whose track record makes them look pathetic.” Who’s Afraid of Nancy Pelosi? — Fresno County Dems (@FresnoCountyDms) August 14, 2018

Information about the five propositions that will be on the ballot June 5.

  Your guide to the 5 propositions on California’s primary ballot More than $1.5 billion would be earmarked for wildlife habitats and rivers or coastal areas, as well as efforts to prepare for climate change. Almost $1.3 billion would be directed toward parks and open space in low-income communities. Another $1.27 billion would go toward …

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  Many voters don’t know you need two stamps for mail-in ballots SAN DIEGO (CBS8) – If you are sending in a mail-in ballot, you will need an additional 20 cents. The ballot is two pages, which means it will cost a total of 67 cents to mail it back, not the standard 47 cents.

Congressman Jim Costa Campaign Kick-Off