Clovis Democrats with Hillary and Bernie

Big Hat days April 16

Clovis Big Hat Days April 2 2016

President Clovis Democrats March Newsletter

As we move through the primary season, it becomes clearer every week how high the stakes are. It is possible that the competence of certain candidates to lead this country is not there. Will someone not qualified to be the leader of the free world get elected? On the other hand, if we are lucky enough to have either Bernie or Hillary elected, will they have a Congress that will work with them or one that only obstructs and gridlocks government? And the Supreme Court, the branch of government that has the most influence over the course of our country for the next generation, hangs in the balance. With so much on the line, what can we do individually and as a club to make a difference, especially with little to vote on here in Clovis? Here are some options:

  • Encourage your Democratic friends and family members to vote. We must have good Democratic turnout in these elections.
  • Become a precinct leader and walk your precinct, getting to know your Democratic neighbors. Good training and materials are available at the Democratic Headquarters. Ask me for contact information.
  • Help register new citizens at the Naturalization Ceremony, March 15, 9:30 a.m. by the Saroyan Theater. Contact Bob Jones for more information.
  • Participate in nearby crucial races. There is a walk for Joaquin Arambula in the Assembly District 31 Special Election on Saturday, March 12 at 10:00 or Sunday, March 13 at 11:00 at the Carpenters’ Union Hall, 1361 N. Hulbert.
  • Attend the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee Fundraiser, April 22, 5:30 p.m., 2625 W. Vassar.

Lots of opportunities to get involved!

Our March meeting will be a recap of the California Democratic Convention which happened February 26 through 28. We were fortunate to have several club members attending as Delegates who will share the high points (Vice President Joe Biden’s speech) and low points (Secret Service and TSA security) of the convention and give our impressions of meetings and speeches. There were Decisions made about a number of issues that we will report on and a lot of excitement about the coming elections. Much to learn about the workings of the Democratic Party in California! We also will hear from two local campaigns that have importance statewide or nationally.

2016 democratic election

2016 CA Democratic Convention


Demo fundraiser dinner When money talks-cressman

Clovis Democrats February 2016 President’s Newsletter

The results of the New Hampshire primaries have just come in as I sit down to write this column. It looks like all bets are off for this election cycle as Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump appear to be decisively in the lead in this early stage. This could be a history-making election with the country veering in a populist direction. It could be scary if one of these candidates, not of a Democratic persuasion, prevails. The next few weeks will be crucial.

It is definitely time to be involved. Several of us took the precinct leader training this week and found it to be a very doable activity with good support and materials available. Let me know if you would be interested in participating. There is much to do to reach voters and make sure that the Democratic vote comes out for the June primaries and the November election!

Jenni Kren, Club President2016 democratic election