You DO Make A Difference – VOTE

2:3rs don't vote

January 2016 President’s Newsletter

2016 is here and the first primaries of this presidential election year are less than a month away. While every election feels like the future hangs in the balance, this year does so more than ever. Perhaps this is because there is so much rhetoric being thrown around that only a few years ago would have been considered way out of the mainstream of American thought. This is definitely a year to be involved. Come to our meetings to keep up on issues and to learn ways to be involved. While we don’t have local campaigns in which to participate, there are crucial elections in surrounding districts where the potential exists to send more Democrats to Sacramento or Washington. Opportunities abound. Now is the time to get active!

As always, editorial comments or suggestions are welcome.

Jeni2016 democratic election

November 2015 Message From Our President


With all the focus on the coming 2016 elections, we need to remember that there are other elections to attend to. In particular, it is again time to elect officers for our club.

The slate of candidates, as was proposed by the nomination committee at the last meeting, is:


            President           Jeni Kren

            Vice President  Alexia Baca Morgan

            Secretary          Bob Jones

            Treasurer          David Rowell

            Membership     Open


Nominations will be accepted from the floor for the Membership position and for

any other officer at the November meeting. Please consider if you are interested in participating in the governing of our club and keeping a strong Democratic presence

in Clovis! We will vote for the 2016 officers at the November meeting and have the installation of officers at our December Holiday Celebration on December 17th.

Save the date!

– Jeni

October 2015 Message From Our Club President

October is proving to be a busy month for Fresno County Democrats. In the interest of space, I am just going to list the activities.

October 13: Voter Registration at the Naturalization Ceremony, 9:00 a.m. Contact Bob Jones at to help with this worthy activity.

October 13: First Democratic Debate, 6:00 p.m. on CNN. Come to a debate viewing party at the Fresno County Democratic Party HQ starting with a potluck at 5:00 p.m. at 1035 U St.

October 15: Clovis Democratic Club meeting, 6:00 p.m. at Seven, 25 Shaw Avenue.

October 24: We’re Roasting Michael Party, 6:00 to 9:00 at the Democratic Party HQ parking lot, 1035 U St. $30.00 a person.

October 31: Proud to Be Democrats event, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Radio Park, 2233 N. First St. Learn about the local party, enjoy fun activities and meet elected officials and candidates. Arrangements are being made for a big name speaker to be there.JenniK pict

Lots to do this month! Hope to see you at a few of these.  Jenni Kren

Yes, There Really are Proud, Patriotic, American Democrats in Clovis

Jeni-taxes-for-the-rich[1]Yes, there really are Democrats in Clovis and we are active Patriotic, Loyal Americans involved in the present and future of this country which we love.

We believe in equality for ALL. We believe in Progressive Values. We believe in Voter Rights, Civil Rights and the Right to Choose.

We hope that you will join us at one of our meetings. ALL are welcome.